Thursday 28 April 2016

Sharing and taking turns

During this short week we will be playing games and activities which encourage sharing and taking turns, following directions and focusing attention (  PSED and Cand L).

We will carry this out in small adult led groups, choosing activities such as block building, ICT and musical games as well as board and sorting games.

The book we have chosen to look at this week is Sharing  A Shell by Julia Donaldson.

Just a reminder, as outlined in our recent newsletter, the staff car park is for the use solely of pre-school and Opportunity Group members of staff, with the exception of our children with disabilities. Spaces are needed for visiting child professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and so on.On a regular basis there are meetings requiring their attendance. Thank you for your continuing co-operation with this matter.


Sunday 24 April 2016


We will be looking at and learning about different types of birds this week.

This an opportunity to discuss texture of feathers, differing sizes of birds, sounds they make and how they fly ( EAD and UW ).

We will use the children's handprints as wings as we make our own birds and stick on  feathers.

To then link in with this topic we will then set up some bird feed balls outside, where we can watch the birds from our classroom.

At song time we'll be enjoying Two Little Dickie Birds, Five Little Ducks and Sing A Song of Sixpence.

Just a few points to say :- Please can you tell us if your child is staying for after school club, as bookings are now made directly with the main school and we need to be aware, to avoid any confusion at the end of the day.
If your child is having a packed lunch please can you leave it in blue box next to pegs, where we can then transfer them to the fridge.
Whilst mentioning pegs, you'll see that name places will change position as our numbers grow and we change them daily. Do encourage your child to find their name each morning! Many Thanks.

Our Thomas Hardye student this term is Charlotte White who will be with us on Thursdays and Fridays.

Finally a reminder to say that pre school will be closed on Monday 2nd May as it's a Bank Holiday.


Saturday 16 April 2016

Growing Seeds

This week we turn our attention to the process of how a seed grows and what it needs to do so.

We'll be reading and exploring the book  The Small, Small Seed by Judith Nicholls.

All of the children will be planting sunflower seeds and following their progress .

In addition to this we'll also be planting grass seeds in a large tray, within which the children can play with small figures, once it has grown.

Perhaps at home you have grown flowers or vegetables, if so do let us know on a wow slip.

As the weather turned quite warm last week, and we hope it continues, please do ensure your child has a named sun hat and suncream ( if you chose to bring in your own ). In this way we can have all the suncreams ready to use as and when. Thank You.


Friday 8 April 2016

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

A big welcome back! We hope you had a good Easter break involving the consumption of
one or two chocolate eggs!

We look forward to, as always,  hearing the children's accounts of what they've been up to.

It's hard to believe that we're already in the first half of the Summer term, time flies!

During this first week back we're going to be looking at the much loved book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

This book prompts plenty of discussion about the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly (UW), favourite and healthy  foods, counting fun and  colour recognition. Also, as with all the books we look at, we'll be looking at focus and recall of the story ( L ).

During the week we'll be doing two activities. Firstly we'll be painting folded butterfly outlines, and then all of the children will be creating a caterpillar food trail involving a threading activity.

In addition we will be loaning out the book to children and parents to enjoy at home ( we have several copies ), please do fill in the accompanying feedback form . Thank you.