Wednesday 8 October 2014


Music is always a popular theme, and one which we will return to during the year.
All of the children will have the opportunity to try out different musical instruments, sharing and exchanging them. We will be listening to the different sounds that can be made, and take turns playing and listening to each other.
We will also be playing instruments in time to music, as well as dancing and playing musical statues!
Everyone will be making their own shaker to take home.
The books we'll be looking are The Ding Dong Bag, Noisy and Tanka Tanka Skunk.
During the week we 'll  be making fruit jelly with the children preparing peaches, grapes and and satsumas.
Just a reminder to all parents to please use the side gate to access the pre- school rather than climbing over the fence, which happened last week. The children are led by example and we actively discourage this, Many Thanks.                                                  


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