Monday 5 June 2017


Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed the half term break, despite the unpredictable weather!

It's hard to believe that we are now in the final term of Pre-School Year 1. We're aware that many of you attended the recent coffee morning with Julia, outlining the transition to Year 2. If, for any reason, you were unable to attend or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to approach one of us.

During this shorter week, we'll be talking about rainbows ,whilst naming the colours, and identifying when we are most likely to see them.

Practicing fine motor skills the children will be colouring in and applying glue to make their own rainbows.

To reinforce knowledge of colours we'll be asking the children to find and point out certain different coloured items around the rooms.

At story time we'll be focusing on the book " What Makes A Rainbow " by Betty Schwartz.


On Friday after school from this week till the end of term, POWSA will be selling ice lolly and ice creams at the end of the school day (3.30) from the pre-school summer house.

This coming Saturday is the school fair starting from 11.00 till 2.00pm. Pre-school are running the refreshments and it would be great if you can donate some cakes for the stall. Please bring them in by Friday. The summer fair is a lovely family event and would be great to see lots of our families there.


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