Saturday 9 September 2017

Nursery Rhymes and colour

Image result for nursery rhymes

Hello everyone,

Wow, What a fantastic first week at Pre-school. It has been lovely to meet and welcome our new children and their families. They have all settled in so well.
We have been painting a picture of ourselves for our class board. These are up in the classroom on display. Take a look. 

This week we will be singing our favourite nursery rhymes and then making some props to go with our favourite nursery rhymes. We will also be playing the Humpty Dumpty game and talking about different colours during these activities. We will be making a display of our favourite nursery rhymes. 
It would be great to hear about your  family nursery rhymes  favourites, please feel in a WOW. (These are by the door in the classroom. Please ask a member staff if you are unsure where these are)

Thank you to those of you that have already returned the All about Me sheets, these are really helpful in giving us information about your child's likes and dislikes but also where they are in their learning. We can then use these to help with planning your child's next step.

Just for information we always encourage a set routine which helps the children to settle and know what to expect. For example we always start with child led free play with an adult led one to one activity running alongside. This activity usually ties in with our children's next steps and interest for the week. We then tidy up as a team, wash hands in preparation for snack time and then have snack as a group. Following this we have free flow of inside and outside play. The morning session always ends with a story, singing songs and letters and sounds. It's always great to see how quickly the children learn these new routines, which in turn helps their confidence. The afternoon session continues as the same as the morning session. 

WOW'S- On the board by the door are the blank WOW slips. These WOW slips are for you at home to write about something your child has done e.g an achievement, a place you have been, news you would like to share at pre-school etc. 


On Tuesday 12th September at 7.30pm in the Main school there is a POWSA meeting. POWSA is our Parent Fundraising Association who organise events like the Christmas Fair, Bingo, Summer Fair ETC. 


For those who have never attended a POWSA meeting before the thought can be intimidating but we are all friendly parents who want to help the school offer the best of opportunities to all the pupils who pass through it's doors, whilst having a little fun along the way. We give up a little bit of time every now and then to help provide some of those extras that help make our school such a fantastic place and if you would like to learn more we would love to see you. 
If you have any question please do come and ask a member staff or myself. 

Here's to a great second week. 

Julia and Pre-school team 

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