Sunday 5 April 2020

Hello everyone

Hello Everyone,

We have been very lucky with the weather over the last few days. I hope you are all managing to settle into a routine each day to try and keep things as normal as we can for the children. Sometimes they just want you to sit down and be with them having some quiet time together. You don’t always need to be completing tasks and doing lots of learning activities. Sometimes a carpet picnic is all they need. Let them have a jug of water and some cups to play with in the garden or in the bath.

I will be continuing with my phone conversations this week. If you can think of anything you need write it down and I will see if I can help you. 

The chick’s hatched  this week and we were lucky to catch  the live camera link. They look very sweet and I'm sure will get big very quickly. I’m sure the children will enjoy watching this and listening to the chicks. There will be a live video throughout the week of the chicks so you can watch them grow.

Here are some challenges you may like to try over the coming days.

Why don’t you go on a number hunt and see how many different numbers you can see around you walking environment.

When you are out give your child something to carry on the way so it can be a distraction if they like to touch everything along the way. Perhaps take a Teddy as lots of houses have put teddy's at the windows for children to spot.

You could do a little experiment of dissolving the jelly beans. Sort all of them out into different colour groups. Then drop them into a cup of vinegar and watch the colour dissolve. Lots of fun and great learning.

Play some floating and sinking activity out in the garden. Set up a bucket of water and let the children explore what things float and what sinks.

Paint up some toilet roll tubes and lane them with different numbers. See if the children are able to make a complete number line. They may be able to put two small numbers together.

Hole punch a pattern in a piece of cardboard and let the children use different string or wool to thread a pattern. You can also use toilet roll tubes to punch holes in and let the children thread through straws or pipe cleaners

Farmer Palmers Farm Park has a live stream each day which is very interesting for the children to watch.

Over the week I have found some great resources to help children understand what is going on at the moment. Here is some of the resources I have found.

-The Prince of Wales school Facebook page has some resources to support our families

-The playmobil video is great for explaining what is happening and why (

-Please check out the Kingfisher Ward Dorset County Hospital Facebook page for a video which helps children to understand a bit more about it.

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile. 

Please drop us an email if there is anything you need. Thank you for all the lovely things you have sent us already. Looking forward to speaking to you all soon. We really are missing you all and can’t wait till we are back at Pre-School together. Happy Easter to you all.

Speak to you all soon
Zoe, Chloe and the Pre-School Team

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