Sunday 28 January 2018

Science fortnight

Hello Everyone,

This week we have had a creative week. The children have enjoyed painting with potatoes and describing the texture. Some of the group did not want to use the potato so they got a brush or a sponge out. We also encouraged mark making with the shaving foam and the children made some very interesting marks and patterns.   Towards the end of the week the children were waiting for the arrival of our fish.
Friday morning there was great excitement when they could see our new pets. At news time we discussed some names and decided on ‘Nemo’ for the darker one and ‘Goldie’ for the lighter fish. We have put up a feeding chart so all children will have a chance to help look after them.
This week we will start our two week Science topic.  We will be doing some simple Science experiments and making Lava lamps. We hope the children will start to make simple predictions about what may happen next, while having lots of fun.

Letters and Sounds
The children have enjoyed playing a traditional game of pass the parcel using a puzzle in a box. Each time the music stops they have to add they piece to a tray puzzle. This has helped with team work and taking turns. During the ‘Lost Teddy’ game the children have started to play the drum themselves to guide the other children to the bear, which has been great to watch. 
This week we will be listening to different instruments and describing how they sound. We will also listen to some different music to see how it makes us feel.
We will be hiding a ticking clock in the room and seeing if the children are able to locate it using their listening ears!

The children are enjoying short discussions during Lunchtimes about people who are important to them. They are being very caring and kind to each other which is lovely to see.  The children have started to really listen to teach other and ask the adults about who is important to us which is very thoughtful. They also now starting to understand that we don’t live at Pre-School and have our own homes!
This is to help reinforce Personal, Social and Emotional Development and help them to make life choices. 

Home Learning 
Please continue to bring in any WOW moments and remember you can always email through photos and we can write stick them in your child’s Learning Journey.
If they have been very helpful or kind we would love to hear about it. 


Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor. 

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday.  This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 31st January from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.

If you have not returned your session request for next half term, please could you bring them in as soon as possible to enable us to plan staffing.

Don't forget it is a staff training day on Friday 9th February so the last day of term will be Thursday 8th February. 

Please sign up for parents evening which is the second week back after half term. Sign up sheet in coat peg area on door. 

There is a POWSA meeting on the 6th February in the main school staff room at 7.30pm. Please ask Julia for more information. 

On 10th February from 2-5pm is another community make over day of the wildlife garden. Everyone is very welcome. If you are able to help, please do come along.

Zoe and Pre-school Team

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