Sunday 21 January 2018

Textures and experimenting with new ideas

Hello Everyone,

This week we have been very busy making our ‘Rainbow Fish’ for the display board.  The children were very good with their scissor skills and deciding which colours to use. The children have been talking a lot about fish and are looking forward to our fish arriving. We will have to choose some names so if anyone has any inspiring ones let us know.
This week we will be learning all about textures / experimenting with new ideas. 
We will be very creative painting with all sorts of tools. We will link painting to music and how this makes us paint and feel.
During story times we have been having finger puppets to act out the story. The children have loved this and it has meant they have played a very active role in the stories. They have been joining in with any repeated refrains, working together as a group to come in at the right times. It’s been really fantastic to watch.

Letters and Sounds
Sound shaker activities have been progressing well, we have added a couple of new sounds boxes. The children came up with some quite inventive ideas of what to put in them. We also played ‘Who’s under the blanket’ one person goes out while someone goes under the blanket, then they have to see if they know who is covered up. It’s a great game for getting the children to learn each others names.
We went on another environmental walk and picked up lots of new sounds and had to listen very carefully as the school children were out in the play ground. 
This week we will be playing ‘Lost Teddy’ game. The children have to listen very carefully to the sound of the drum. One of the children goes outside while we hide the Teddy; they come in and listen to how the drum is being played. If it is quiet they are along way from the Teddy, if it’s loud they are close by and have to find it. They have picked this game up really well.

We will continue to talk about our Families and who is in our Family.
We have started a new display of our families or special places we like to go so, please bring in some pictures to add to this. 
This is to help reinforce Personal, Social and Emotional Development and help them to make life choices. 

Home Learning 
If you could talk about the textures of things you find around this week that would be great. This will help to build up descriptive language around their familiar surroundings.

Lovely to see so many of you at the stay and play session this weekend. Look out for our new arrivals in Pre-School; I’m sure your child will be quick to tell you when they spot them! 

 Have a lovely week.


Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor. 

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday.  This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 26th January from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.

If you have not returned your session request for next half term, please could you bring them in as soon as possible to enable us to plan staffing.

Don't forget it is a staff training day on Friday 9th February so the last day of term will be Thursday 8th February. 

Zoe and Pre-school Team

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