Monday 29 October 2018

Welcome back...

Image result for pumpkins

Hello Everyone,

We really hope you have had a great half term and enjoyed the lovely weather.
We are looking forward to getting back to the daily routine, learning lots and keeping busy.
We will be welcoming some new friends throughout this term so we are looking forward to settling everybody together.
This week we will be doing some fun Halloween crafts. We will also be making Pumpkin muffins, which will be very interesting!
Our book this week will be ‘Room on the Broom.’
Thursday is ‘NSPCC’ pants day. The children can wear their pants over their clothes if they wish. It is to promote awareness of saying ‘no’ and what’s in your pants belongs to you. During the day we will be doing some creative craft activities and showing the official NSPCC video. 

Jennie Jigsaw
We will continue with My Turn/ Your turn. This week we will focus on what we are good at and learning to understand that everyone is different and likes different things. 
We will do some cutting and sticking of things we like and some things we are not so keen on.  We will be starting to respond to the wishes of other in the group. This will help the children to understand that everyone is different.

Letters and Sounds 
This week we will play Mrs Browning has a box. Six noisy things in a box, we sing to the tune of ‘Old McDonald’ the children have to guess what the noise is without being able to see it from inside the box.

Home Learning 
Please can you bring in any Wow’s of what lovely things you have been up to over half term. May be you have some pictures you could email across to us.

It was great to talk to everyone at parents evening and show you all the progress your children have been making over the last few weeks. 
If you were not able to sign up please just let Zoe know when will be a suitable time and we can arrange this. 

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 31st October  from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 24th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. 

Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there. 

On Tuesday 6th Novemebr at 7.30pm in the main school staff room is the POWSA AGM.  For those who have never attended a PTA session before the thought can be intimidating but we are all friendly parents who want to help the school offer the best of opportunities to all the pupils who pass through it's doors, whilst having a little fun along the way. We give up a little bit of time every now and then to help provide some of those extras that help make our school such a fantastic place and if you would like to learn more we would love to see you. It would be lovely to see you there. If you unable to attend the meeting but would like more information please do come and see me.

Looking forward to a busy few weeks leading up to Christmas. Many fun, exciting things planned.

Zoe and Chloe

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