Sunday 24 May 2020

Hello everyone

Hello Everyone,

We hope you have had a good week and have been out keeping your social distance. Hopefully we are in for some warm weather this week so we can continue to get our fresh air. 

I will be continuing  to catch up with you throughout the week but please do email if we can help with anything.
Here are some things you may like to try this week:

Physical Development - Why don’t you do some digging in the garden or while you are out. See how many different insects you can find. You could try and draw them from memory later in the day.

Maths - why don’t you have a go at making some pasta bracelets or necklaces. You could colour or paint the pasta counting as you thread them on.

Expressive Art and Design -  try to make some water instruments. You could use glasses/bottles filled to different levels. Obviously used with supervision. Can you make some high/low notes and make up a short rhyme or song.

 Enjoy your week and time together. 

We look forward to being with you all soon.

Speak to you all soon

Zoe, Chloe and Pre-school team

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