Sunday 4 July 2021

Hello everyone...


Hello  Everyone,

We had a great week and the children loved trying out some new sports games.

Throughout the week we made some frisbees, played table top bowles, tried out balloon tennis, Hockey and racing games. The sponsored bike ride was really great and we have some certificates to give out this week.

Thank you to everyone who came to dance day. It was lovely to see you all supporting us. It was the first time the year 1 class had been with so many people and we were really proud of how they performed.

This week we will be  looking at Transport  and we have lots of fun things planned so we hope that everyone enjoys it. 

We can’t believe we have 3 weeks left before the summer break!


Jennie Jigsaw

This week we will continue with the round the  room game. This is where you give a set of clues of what someone in the room is wearing and the other children have to try and guess who it is.

The children always love this game and soon catch on to not looking at the person directly to see what they are wearing! 

Letters and sounds

We will  play what’s in the box? The children are loving these games and it really gets them thinking about the sounds they know..


We are so proud of the progress all the children have made throughout the year and we hope you enjoyed reading your child's report which highlights their achievements and successes. We would appreciate it if you could fill in and return your ‘ANNUAL REPORT 2020/2021 - FEEDBACK FORM’ ASAP. Please be assured that the Senior Leadership Team read every response in full and use the responses to inform future practice.

SAVE THE DATE:- The summer festival has been rescheduled for Saturday 18th September 2021 11-3pm.

Every Friday till the end of term, POWSA will be selling ice lollies and choc ices from 3.20pm at pick up. Ice lollies and choc ices 50p.

If you have any questions then please just ask. The weather is looking great so sunscreen before arrival really helps us out. Just look for the laminated list and tick off your child’s name. Obviously if you are running late we can help you with this.

Zoe has a few parents left  to meet to complete the EYFS development checks. Zoe will arrange these with you directly.

Please always email me if you need anything or further information.

My email is: 

Look forward to seeing everyone this week.

See you all soon

Zoe, Chloe, Colleen and Suzanne

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