Sunday 13 February 2022

Hello everyone.....

Hello everyone

Monday-  For a snack we had some yummy french bread. We also made french flags which the children used for their sand castle in the sandpit.

Tuesday-  For a snack we enjoyed croissants which we all loved. We also did some paintings of the Eiffel tower in Paris. The children brought in a few things from home that they found related to France and showed them to everyone.

Wednesday- In the morning we built the Eiffel tower from the building blocks in the classroom and talked about the shape and height of the Eiffel tower. The children did some great teamwork. We challenged ourselves outside and built a bridge to walk across and jump off at the end. The children did brilliantly with this and their confidence grew so much that at the end they could all do it independently!

Thursday- Looked at the Handa's surprise book and all the different types of fruit they had in the story and then did some fruit printing with these. The children knew most of the fruits and enjoyed exploring the new ones.

Friday- We did fruit tasting from the Handa's surprise and did an African drum music session.  

We continue with our travelling to Italy this week and have many fun things to do.

If you have been and have anything you think the children may like to look at during group times please bring it in. We have lots of fun things planned and we are going to have some traditional Italian food so all children can experience this. 

Home Learning 

Please always send Wow’s if you have had a special achievement over the week or been somewhere special.

Looking forward to seeing you for a great week of learning while we play and learn new skills.

Please remember to ask if you have any questions.


If you have a play and learn library bag at home please can these be returned by Wednesday as they are being collected on Thursday. 

FITNESS FEBRUARY - To help combat the winter blues and to inspire your household this February to get fit...Here at the Prince of Wales School we are challenging all children to increase their fitness throughout February - and beyond.


You could try something new everyday like: trampolining, stretching, yoga, ball skills, Joe Wicks or dancing. 


To help motivate your child to walk, run, cycle or scoot we are challenging the school to record how many KMs we can travel in the month. 


Our first mission is to get to Berlin - fill in the form below every time you do some exercise and help us to reach our target - 


There will also be competitions between each class to see which year group travels the furthest.    


Please share any photos and videos of anything that gets your child moving.

Due to the current Covid situation there will be NO STAY and PLAY SESSIONS at the moment. Play and Stay session will resume after half term.

We break up for half term on Friday and return back to preschool on Tuesday 1st March.

We hope you all have a lovely half term and we look forward to hearing all about it when the children return after half term.

Zoe and Chloe

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