Sunday 3 September 2023

Hello everyone......



Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We hope you have had a lovely summer break and look forward to welcoming the children to Preschool.

This week we will be exploring the new learning spaces and getting to know all of the routines, children and staff members. We will be focussing on ‘Ourselves’ and what we like and building new relationships.

It was great to meet most of you at the stay and play session and spend some time together. 

Please can you bring a named drink bottle that your child can leave at Pre-School for the year. We will wash and sterilise these on a regular basis. We promote water drinking as much as possible for the children. Milk is provided at snack times. This is then one less thing for you to remember on a daily basis. 

Lunchboxes - any food your child has not eaten will be placed back in the box so you can monitor their likes and dislikes. Please don’t worry about bringing a spoon for yoghurts as we have plenty. 

Please sign the Marvellous Me permission slip and then we can start to send you photos. This is in your pack of paperwork. 

Please bring a change of clothes for your child. It is not uncommon for the children to have toileting accidents while they are settling so, please don’t worry about this. 

Comfort /Favourite toys the children will be encouraged to have these items for a short period of time and then they will be returned to their bags. We would not like any of these items to get misplaced in our large building.

Any letters will always be put in your child’s bag. 

Caroline is available every morning to answer any questions you may have on funding, invoices or your children hours/sessions.

Please ensure all money is placed in a clearly marked envelope so it can be passed on to the office. Staff are more than happy to take this for you.

The electric gate opens 5 minutes before each start and end of sessions. 

We can’t wait to see everyone and if you have any further questions you can email Zoe on the following email.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

Home Learning 

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week.

Zoe, Lauren,  and James

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