Sunday 24 September 2023

Hello everyone......

Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We have had a week of learning fun together. We have done lots of fun things about Bears and played many great games.

On Monday we made playdough Bears . We listened to the story of ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ In the afternoon we joined year 2 and had great fun in the role play house.

On Tuesday we did some great mark making and did a game of i spy colours. . The children have been accessing the scissors and have enjoyed practising these new skills and sharing this with others.  In the afternoon we joined year 2 for some Yoga in the hall and played with some small world toys.

On Wednesday we had great fun doing a colour hunt and we also played jumping frogs into the pond, which the children really enjoyed. On Thursday we played some lovely group games and we enjoyed exploring worms in the garden!!ll Before lunch the children loved playing with the Tappy sticks and singing while tapping out the rhythms. In the afternoon we played some parachute games and matching pairs. The children are also really enjoying posting activities at the moment. 

This week we will be focusing on Farming Fortnight. Friday is dress as a Farmer day we look forward to seeing your outfits!

We have lots of fun things planned throughout the week.

We are starting to do a family display in the classroom so if you have any further photos you would like to add then please bring them in or you can send them to Zoe’s email and we can print them off to put up. We will use the photos you have provided in your All about Me information. The children enjoy looking at these photos and sharing them with their friends. 


Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Tuesday morning at 8.30-9.00am.

Dress as a Farmer day is on Friday 6th October and NOT Monday 25th October for the children.

Please can you bring a named drink bottle that your child can leave at Pre-School for the year. We will wash and sterilise these on a regular basis. We promote water drinking as much as possible for the children. Milk is provided at snack times. Please just let Zoe, James or Laura know that they are the one to be kept at Pre-School and we won’t put it back in their bag. 

This is then one less thing for you to remember on a daily basis. 

Now the weather is starting to change please can you be sure to bring a coat. We love to get outside even if there is a little bit of rain. Wellies are also helpful, we do have some spare pairs. 

Marvellous Me - There has been a national problem with the website so sorry if you have not been able to view the photos we have sent. This problem has now been resolved. Please let us know if you experience any other problems with it in the future.When you have received a Marvellous me if you could use the option to  ‘high five’ it then we know you have received them. 

We will put some ‘Wow’s’ in your child’s bag this week. These can be used for any achievements your child has shown at home. We then share these on a daily basis at group times. If you would like more then please just ask for some. 

Please bring a change of clothes for your child. It is not uncommon for the children to have toileting accidents while they are settling so, please don’t worry about this. 

Comfort /Favourite toys the children will be encouraged to have these items for a short period of time and then they will be returned to their bags. We would not like any of these items to get misplaced in our large building.

Any letters will always be put in your child’s bag. 

Caroline is available every morning to answer any questions you may have on funding, invoices or your children hours/sessions.

Please ensure all money is placed in a clearly marked envelope so it can be passed on to the office. Staff are more than happy to take this for you.

The electric gate opens 5 minutes before each start and end of sessions. 

We can’t wait to see everyone and if you have any further questions you can email Zoe on the following email. 

We will be holding a parent’s information on Friday 6 October please return your slip to let us know if you are able to attend.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

POWSA Events-

POWSA AGM is on Wednesday 4th October at 7.00pm in the main school staffroom. Everyone very welcome. If you would like more information please come and speak to Julia.
May be an image of text that says 'POWSA FAUVON VIVON FEST Friday 6th October 2023 5:00 -7:00 pm The Prince of Wales School, Dorchester Stories- Pumpkin Carving Donut Bobbing Autumn Crafts Conker Rolling-Campfire- Toasting Marshmallows Food-Bar'

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week.

Zoe, Lauren,  and James

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