Sunday 15 September 2024

Hello everyone....


Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We have had a lovely week getting to know where everything is in our classroom and learning about each other.

We have tried to remember everyone's names and played some little games during group times to remind us. We have been doing some work on colours and numbers and have loved playing together with the tappy sticks during songtimes. The children loved having a play in the soft play room when it was raining during the week. They have a particular love for exploring creative materials and role play which is lovely to see. We have played some small group games and explored all of the areas of preschool.

You may still find your child is  tired over the next few weeks while they are adjusting to all their new surroundings. This is normal. We do have a quiet down time after lunch but we do not encourage sleeping. You may also find the runny noses are starting to creep in, this is also normal and if your child is feeling well they can attend as normal. 

This week we will be exploring the story of ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ . We have many fun things planned throughout the week which I am sure the children are going to love! 

Healthy Movers

This week we will be exploring in the deep blue sea! 

The skills we will be working to learn are standing, lying, sitting, stopping, landing, balancing, pivoting, twisting, lunging, bending, stretching and turning. We are going to pretend we are on a seaside visit and have to be sea creatures. 

Please remember the classroom door opens at 8.55, unless it is a stay and play morning.  Stay and play dates are displayed next to the entrance door. You are more than welcome to come in and play with your child until 9.00. We also have an additional one each half term on a sat morning. 

We welcome you to come and join us for a story on Thursday afternoon at 3.10pm. Please come to the classroom door where you pick up from. Look forward to seeing you there.

Please can you return all of your paperwork in your start up information packs so we can keep all of our records up to date. We will be sharing some photos in future with this blog so we need to ensure we have permission for this. 

Please try to leave all home toys/comfort objects in your child’s bag. We can then keep track of what has come out so they don’t get lost.

We will be having a parents information session coming up soon when all the children for this term have joined the class. 

If you have any further questions you can email Zoe on the following email.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

Looking forward to a great week together.

Zoe, Chloe and Lauren

Sunday 8 September 2024

Hello everyone.....


Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We would like to welcome you to Preschool year 1. We look forward to welcoming your children over the coming weeks. This week we will be talking about ‘All about Me’ and have some fun activities planned. 

If you could complete your childs All about me information pack that would be great as it gives us some information to start conversations. 

If you could bring a spare change of clothes for your child this is always helpful. We have brought some drinking bottles so there is no need to bring one backwards and forwards to preschool. Your child will be able to identify theirs by their pictures tag. 

You may find your child is very tired over the next few weeks while they are adjusting to all their new surroundings. This is normal. We do have a quiet down time after lunch but we do not encourage sleeping.

Healthy Movers

This week we will be exploring with the scarves to music.


Please remember the classroom door opens at 8.55am.

Please try to leave all home toys/comfort objects in your child’s bag. We can then keep track of what has come out so they don’t get lost.

We will be having a parents information session coming up soon when all the children for this term have joined the class. 

If you have any further questions you can email Zoe on the following email.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week and having lots of learning fun together.

Zoe, Chloe and Lauren