Monday 7 May 2018


Image result for farms

Hello Everyone,

We have had a great week, our Butterfly eggs have arrived and we have been watching them move around and eat for the last part of the week.
This week we will continue with our topic of ‘The Farm’ 
We will be working on fine motor skills and co-ordination with some farm threading cards. We will also be playing a matching game to match the adult animal to the baby one's to see if the children can link up the main features. We will continue with our weighing and balancing which is going very well. The children have soon picked up which things are heavier and lighter. The children also have enjoyed finding their own things to weigh during the activity.  

Letters and Sounds

This week we will be playing ‘Mrs Browning has a box’ it is to the tune of old McDonald has a farm. We have a box with six familiar sounds and the children have to see if they can guess which one the adult is playing from the closed box.
We will also make a display so the children can record what their favourite sound is. This is to really get the children to think about what they have heard.


It was something really special to see all the Grandparent’s come in and spend some time with us. The children had so much to tell them and it was lovely to see what strong relationships they had together. All the children joined in together and some Grandparents had a little group with some extra friends that tagged along.
This week we will talk about what we did over the bank holiday and who we spent our time with. 
This is to help reinforce Personal, Social and Emotional Development and help them to make life choices. 

Home Learning 

Thank you for all the lovely Wow’s you have shared with us so far this term. They have been lovely to read and show how far your children’s learning has come.
The Toilet training is going well, please keep this great work going. We are very happy to let your child wear our pants at Pre-School if you would prefer while you are getting started. They love going to the toilet with their friends and it gets them to develop socially and learning from others.

Lets have a great week and hope we can look forward to many sunny days to come.


As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. If you have applied suncream to your child before school please could you let a member of staff know. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure children have this when they come to pre-school ready for us to apply.

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday.  This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 11th May from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.

Thank you for all your support and sponsorship for the bike and scooter rides. The children were fantastic at using their bikes and scooters and were able to complete a number of laps. If you have any remaining sponsorship money please bring it into pre-school next week. 

On Friday 18th May it is the POWSA Summer bingo evening. Doors open at 5.30pm and eyes down for 6.00pm. It's a great family evening. 

Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor. 

Looking forward to a great week.

Zoe and Pre-school team

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