Sunday 23 September 2018


 Image result for The little red hen

Hello Everyone,

What a great week, the children really loved creating the Rainbow for the display. We have also enjoyed our Yoga sessions, baking and group games to start remembering names of our friends. In the afternoons we have also been stroking the Guiana pigs and helping to lay new bark in the chicken run. This was great fun with a rally of wheelbarrow collecting bark and tipping it in with the chickens.
We have learnt lots of new colours and shapes and have been looking out for these when we have been out and about. The children used good malleable skills and created new shapes with the play dough.
Stay and play was very popular on Saturday and we got to meet our next group of lovely families which was great.

For the next two weeks we will be having a ‘Harvest’ fortnight.  
The story focus for this week will be ‘Little Red Hen’ We will be listening to the story and seeing how good it is when everyone works together. Then we will bake bread in groups throughout the week.
We will be exploring different fruits and vegetables in the texture tray using descriptive words of how they feel, what colour they are and what we can make with them.
We will make shape Tractors so we can start working on our scissor control, sticking skills and social skills in small groups.  

Jennie Jigsaw
This week we will continue with feelings and moving onto talk about managing our behaviours and feelings. We will look in the mirror to see how our facial expressions look to others.
This will focus on sharing and turn taking, working in groups and carrying out small tasks.

Letters and Sounds 
We will be using the ‘Tappy’ sticks this week and learning to follow instructions by the leader. All children will take it in turns to be the leader so they realise they need to listen to others in the group and not just the adults.
 During the week we will focus on sounds we can hear while we are outside. This gives the children good chance to use their listening ears and tune in to things they may not have heard before.

Home Learning 
Please can you continue to bring in a picture of a person or animal that is special to your child.  You could draw this picture with your child if you wish or you could always email it in to us if it’s easier.
We will start to make a display on our Jigsaw board. This always helps the children to feel reassured if they have a familiar picture that they can go and look at.


WOW'S- On the board by the door are the blank WOW slips. These WOW slips are for you at home to write about something your child has done e.g an achievement, a place you have been, news you would like to share at pre-school etc. 

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 28th September  from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 28th September it is film night. Please see board for more information. Tickets can be purchased from school office. This is a POWSA fundraising event. 

On Thursday 4th October it is dress like a farmer day. Children can come in dressed as farmers. This is the start of our harvest fortnight of activities. 

On Friday 5th October it is Autumn Fest. Look out for posters for more details or come and see Julia.

Lets have a great week together.

Zoe and Chloe

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