Sunday 13 March 2022

Hello everyone....

Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We had a great week learning more about space. We have really enjoyed playing together and learning lots of new facts. We enjoyed making rockets from junk, sticking space ships. Making our own Moon sand and experimenting in the water tray with things that float. We had a lovely play  over at the school field and played on the pirate ship and on Friday we even got out in the rain with our splash suits on. 

This week we will be continuing with the Space theme and have lots more fun things to make and investigate as well as cooking throughout the week.

Jennie Jigsaw

This week we will talk about  ‘Our Feelings’ focusing on learning our friends' names in the group.

Letters and Sounds 

This week we will be playing rhyming words/songs?  We will also play with the puppets to see how much spontaneous language we can develop through this play.


Looking forward to seeing you if you have booked in for your parents evening. If you have not booked a slot this week Zoe will catch up with you to arrange a convenient time slot for you.

Can you this weblink to make a poster of your families favourite book this week? We are going to display them in the window for everyone to see. If you need your poster printing please email it to me.


Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. Each year, through the power of entertainment, the charity raise millions of pounds to distribute to people living tough lives in the UK and around the world. This includes funding organisations that are supporting people right now in Ukraine.

The Prince of Wales School is excited to be joining the with many others around the UK to participate in the fundraising programme with lots of activities planned. This is where we need your help! 

#InspiredToLearn Non-School Uniform Day – Dress in Red or become your superhero - Friday 18th March 2022 Children come to school wearing something red or dressed as their superhero – staff will also be joining in! But remember, not all superheroes wear capes. A superhero can be a teaching assistant, family member or someone who has truly inspired you. 

A suggested donation of £1 per child on the day can be brought into class. 

#InspiredToLearn Bake Sale - Friday 19th November – 3.30pm - Main School Playground 

Get yourself a sweet treat to start the weekend! Contributions of cakes or treats from families are encouraged, homemade or purchased. Please bring donations to the school office on Thursday 17th March or the morning of Friday 18th March. 

*All donations must be labelled with ingredients and contain no traces of nuts* 

Any volunteers to help sell cakes will be more than welcome, please mention this to your child’s class teacher. 

#InspiredToLearn Superhero movie – Children will have the opportunity to star in their very own superhero movie. This will be filmed throughout the day and give children the opportunity to explore their inner superhero and maybe even fly! 

Red Noses - And finally… Red Noses are now available for sale from the Main school office. 

You can help us raise as much money as possible for Comic Relief by supporting the fundraising activities in school and making them a memorable experience. 

Let’s make a big difference to help free those from poverty around the world. We have the power to change lives!

Our next stay and play sesssion will be Friday 18th March. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you have one at home  please bring it back when you are next in. We are also missing one of the booklets which was with the fish game. Please see link for video for information about this.

Please find information below about a useful advice line for parents and carers of 0-5years.

ParentLine is a new confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset to seek advice via text message from our Health Visiting team about their child’s health. 

Parents and carers can seek advice about a range of issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, sleep, toileting, minor illness, behaviour, parenting and more.

ParentLine will run 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) with a ParentLine Practitioner responding to messages within one working day. If a text is sent outside these hours the parent/carer will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. This new messaging service is being provided in addition to the current Health Visiting service offer.
Text 07312 277162 for confidential advice and support from a member of the Health Visiting team
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.

We are hoping for some sunshine this week!

Zoe and Chloe

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