Monday 1 May 2023

Hello everyone.....


Year 1

Hello Everyone, 

We have had  a great week together. The children have really enjoyed exploring animals. On Monday we made a list of all the different animals we would like to learn more about. These were divided up into 3 groups as the children had so many suggestions. The 3 groups were Pets, Farm Animals and Wild Animals. The main things they wanted to know about them were: What they eat, where they live and which Country they are from. On Monday we explored Sharks and Whales. Tuesday we did muddy footprints painting together in the garden. Wednesday we played animal lotto together and went on a bug hunt. On Thursday we had to free all the animals that had been tied up. We had to really think about whether we could use our scissors to untie them or if we could use our fingers very carefully with the knots. On Friday we had animals trapped in the ice. We had to work as a group and chip away the ice to free the animals. There were 8 in total. We also listened about where Zebras live. 

This week we are continuing with our Animal theme and we will be talking about our pets. We also have to look at Wild Animals such as Tigers and Elephants. 

Drop off time -  thank you for great progress with dropping off at the door.We do understand that sometimes this is just not possible and will work with you through this process. 

School Coronation Street Party- Please can you come and collect your child from Preschool first and then go over to school to join in with the party. If you have an older sibling you can then meet up over at school and join in the party together. 


This week stay and play is on Friday morning at 8.30-9.00am.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

There are a few outstanding Suncream slips please can you return your sunscreen permission slip if you have not already done so. I’m sure we will start to see the warmer weather when we return. 

Please can you ensure your child has a clearly named water bottle that can live at Pre-School for the remainder of the year. With the warmer weather coming we like to keep the children well hydrated. 

POWSA Events:-

Home Learning 

Do you know the name or number of the house you live in?

Can you remember 2 different songs?

Please send in any pictures of your child’s achievements and adventures.  Please send your photos to and we will print them off for you to stick in their Marvellous Me books. 

Looking forward to seeing you all for a very exciting week. 

Zoe, Magda, Laura, James and Ebony

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